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Boston White Room 

​Photography by Peter Carellini


Artist's statement: The two photographs ("Boston White Room" and "Passing Through Fishkill Farms") are from The Present Voids, a series that aims to capture the passage of time in a way that visualizes its vast omnipresence through lights and shadows. It does not present time as malevolent or bitter, but rather, all-encompassing and simply there.

Peter Carellini is a filmmaker, photographer, actor and writer based in NYC. His photography and poems, short stories, and essays have been published in over a half dozen publications - including Travel + Leisure, Bruxelles Art Vue, Mythos Magazine, and Rabble Review - while his directorial film debut “Hello, World!” had its public premiere at the Greenpoint Gallery in October of 2021. He currently works as a SAG background actor in several NYC film and television productions, while workshopping upcoming screenplays, stage plays, and a full novel.

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