Unfortunately, we are not a paying journal however, we hope to grow with our authors and artists and build a networking community that extends opportunities and recognition to those we publish.
All submissions must be original and previously unpublished.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you withdraw your piece as soon as it's accepted somewhere else.
Poetry Guidelines:
Please submit up to five poems for consideration.
Each poem should be under a page.
Prose poetry is welcomed (under 500 words)
Short Fiction Guidelines:
Please submit up to two pieces of Flash Fiction or one Short Story for consideration
We ask that Flash Fiction and Vignettes be under 750 words
We ask that Short Stories be under 5,000 words
Translation Guidelines:
Please submit either up to five translated poems, two translated exerpts or vignettes, or a single translated short story. Please only submit to one genre at a time.
Must include original language version on the page under the translation
Spoken Word Guidelines:​​
We ask that you submit up to three recorded performances, each under 3 minutes long. If filmed at a venue, we ask that you cite the location.
Please film the performance and make sure that both the audio and visual components are clear and comphrensible.
Art and Photography Guidelines:
Artists and Photographers can submit up to 5 pieces.
3D artworks (paintings, drawings, sculptures etc.) must be photographed. The photo will be published.
Please include a title for your work and the materials you used in the body of the email, for example: "Trees"; Oil paint on Canvas
How to Submit:
Please paste your work into the body of an email or attach it as a pdf and send it to patojournal@gmail.com
Specify your genre in the subject line, for example: "Flash Fiction Submission"
Please also provide a brief third person bio, here you can include your social media and any self-promotion.
Although it's not mandatory, a cover letter could help us to get to know you better and offers a chance for anyone looking to connect.
Pato acquires First North American Serial Rights. After publication, copywrite reverts back to the author. However we would appreciate if you acknowledged Pato as the original publisher.