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Question for April

Poetry by Joanna Theiss

A Question for April

When we were kids
you often got it wrong
Meek for milk
when you meant in-

I know you were trying
but I teased you anyway
Once I told on you for the swear
you said by accident
(shit for shut)

The more you clung
the crueler I got
Once you begged me for a French braid
and I ripped out a square inch of
your fine brown hair

I’ve been by your house
a couple times lately
A dress on the clothesline
means your dryer’s broken again
JR’s truck parked at an angle
means you don’t get to leave

Once a therapist
told me I blame myself
for your problems,
a suggestion that lingers
like the bruise
on the base of your neck

Once I broke
the lock on your diary
and read

I’m lucky to have a sister

If JR lets you keep a diary
do you write
I’m lucky to have JR?

Joanna Theiss is a writer living in Washington, DC. Her work has appeared in Chautauqua, Peatsmoke Journal and Milk Candy Review, among others, and she is an associate editor at Five South. You can find more from her at Twitter @joannavtheiss Instagram @joannatheisswrites

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