Question for April
Poetry by Joanna Theiss
A Question for April
When we were kids
you often got it wrong
Meek for milk
Visible when you meant in-
I know you were trying
but I teased you anyway
Once I told on you for the swear
you said by accident
(shit for shut)
The more you clung
the crueler I got
Once you begged me for a French braid
and I ripped out a square inch of
your fine brown hair
I’ve been by your house
a couple times lately
A dress on the clothesline
means your dryer’s broken again
JR’s truck parked at an angle
means you don’t get to leave
Once a therapist
told me I blame myself
for your problems,
a suggestion that lingers
like the bruise
on the base of your neck
Once I broke
the lock on your diary
and read
I’m lucky to have a sister
If JR lets you keep a diary
do you write
I’m lucky to have JR?